Monday, April 18, 2016

What does our community mean to us?

Chapter 6 refers to the Broken Windows theory. The aspect of the broken window theory that I want to discuss is the actual structural confusion within the community. Its discussed that the structural confusion, like different graffiti, garbage filled streets, etc. I want to touch on how these type of things are actually accepted and in some aspects even praised in communities. I looked at the movie, Honey. Honey is a movie about a aspiring choreographer loves the youth of her community and how she wants to better the community by helping them through dance. While in her pursuit, she runs into a crowd of young boys who are deep into the street life. They embrace the different structural confusions of their community and accept the fact that, that is just the way things go.
 The different confusions throughout the community makes it almost acceptable for them. I've added a clip that can be found on YouTube from the movie honey ( In this first scene it shows two women leaving the club and running into a group of boys dancing. Once they exchange a few words, one of the women ask them why are they out so late. The boy responds by saying that his mother is not worried about anything but her crackhead boyfriend. The group of boys immediately begin laughing. This is shocking but shows the different confusions and acceptance in the neighborhood. The boy actually thinks that its okay, and even begins to make fun of the disfunction, confusion, and broken families and structures.

Another example is Boyz in the Hood film. This film shows how, there is so much violence and chaos within their own community, it becomes just another trend. In these scenes (,  the character Ricky is being killed because the boys did not like her brother. The next scene goes to his brother going back to kill the guys that killed his brother. In the end, his brother was then killed not to long after. It just goes to show that violence can be so accepted in a community that some people actually embrace the fact that their future involves that same violence and chaos.


  1. I loved this blog. First relating structural confusion to the movie Honey is a perfect example. This movie is a great movie in my opinion. It had a lot of lessons within the movie. This has become a norm for certain people in certain communities that when something bad happens, such as someone getting shot is a norm for them, like something happens. It also reminds me of the video we watched in class, when the kids were talking about their favorite rappers, such as Chief Keef. Looking up to someone who believe that gang banging is a norm.
    Another example that I thought of when it comes to structural confusion is the movie “Fresh.” This movie is about a twelve year old drug pusher, who lives with his aunt and his cousins in a housing projects. This reminded me of structural confusion because this twelve year old boy believes that this is acceptable. He has to make money someway and he believes that this is the best way to make money because he is so young and his living condition isn’t the best. This is an example of todays’ youth, because selling drugs is a go to job and they believe that is the only way to get by in this world. I believe that this is a great blog and it helps explain structural confusion to a T.

  2. Jasmine,

    Great job connecting what we are studying with outside sources, such as the movie Honey and Boyz In The Hood. I have never seen Honey so i might check it out to fully understand the context of your blog. I do however feel as though you could've went into a little more detail about the foundations of the broken windows theory. Although we as sociology students are very well informed of the theory, you must remember to always write to your audience as if they do not know anything about the subject matter. Nonetheless you did describe how structural confusion relates to neighborhoods very well. Overall, great job relating class material to your blog, it shows that you have a firm understanding of structural confusion relating to the broken windows theory.
