Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Society's Mindset

When you hear implicit attitudes, what do you think of? Implicit attitudes means evaluations that occur without conscious awareness towards an attitude subject. For example when you say you don't like math that is an implicit attitude. There is an implicit attitude test called "The Implicit Association Test," this test is used to see what attitude you have without consciously being aware of it. This test reminds me of the Dolls test that Kenneth and Mamie Clark. They chose to study how kids view race by using dolls. The results showed they Black and White children preferred the White doll over the Black doll because they associated the Black doll with bad and the White doll with the good. The Implicit Association Test reminds me of the Doll test because even though they were little they still had a attitude towards something that they were conditioned to think certain things.
When you think of Broken windows what do you think of? I think of a area that has buildings with broken windows and crime rate is high and graffiti on the walls as well. People assume that a area with broken windows is a bad area. Who really knows, only the people that live in that area knows it's a good or bad area. We associate broken windows with high crime areas. Broken windows theory is the norm setting signaling effect of urban disorder and vandalism. Another topic that was touched on would be the broken window policing. Police enforce laws extremely in certain areas, such as the urban areas. They decide to police areas and make arrests on petty crimes. This may be the reason why Eric Garner is dead, because of this reason. A black man that was approached by seven police officers
because they assumed that he was selling untaxed cigarettes. There was a struggle trying to arrest him and one cop decided to put him in a choke hold, which ended in his demise.  This Broken window policing does not work it just causes more trouble and issues. Of course there are police officers that profile certain people and we have a jail filled with individuals for petty crimes. I believe the broken window theory and implicit attitude will always be around because changing society will be impossible because it doesn't want to change.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is very interesting because it allows you to see the broken window theory through a different lens. I like the example of the doll and how in that experiment, kids chose the white doll because black was a symbol of bad and white was a symbol of good. I wish people didn’t assume places with broken windows and graffiti in community as a symbol of crime, gangs, and poor, but rather as a place in need or as a place with potential and opportunity. I think the broken window theory is directed towards African Americans even if Whites were living in those neighborhoods, it would still be the blacks fault for the community struggle. The extreme policing I thought was weird because where I come from, places with the broken windows like Pontiac, MI and Flint, MI, cops would rather not attend those areas due to high risk of fatality of others and them. Overall I enjoyed reading this article and looking at the “broken window theory” through a different lens.
