Monday, April 25, 2016

Public Policy That Does Help

Instead of looking at the bad or the downside of public policies, I would like to focus on some of the good that public policies do. All government intervention may not be the best, but some things actually are. I looked at how in 2012 ( President Obama has made the public policy that  birth control in all hospitals would be free of charge for religious groups as well.  As many people that could argue against it, I can so many reasons why people would actually understand and be for it. I am not implying that contraceptives should or should not be free of charge to the religious groups but I think that it is important to realize that even those people that are in religious groups, make mistakes as well and sometimes if they were allowed different avenues of help some issues may not happen.

 Obama explained that those places of employment that may be religious that cover insurance would have to also cover for contraceptives free of charge for women. I think that offering free contraceptives is the initiative in some cases to even decreasing the abortion rate. These are two huge things in America; Pregnancy and Abortion. Both leaving either a good or bad taste in someones mouths. I think this policy although it doesn't completely solve something, it puts a huge dent in solving things.
I also looked at how the seat belt public policy is absolutely amazing. I read a article and it expanded briefly on how the seat belt policy has been beneficial (  Look at all the lives that have been saved from something like the seat belt. I read a article to actually give me numbers that explain how the public policy actually has been beneficial. The article says, that in 2009 over 50% of drivers that died in car crashes were not wearing seat belts. I can remember when wearing a seat belt was uncool. I can vividly remember how wearing a seat belt kind of meant that you weren't the coolest person. I can vividly remember when all of that changed and it became mandatory. This policy saved lives. It kept people safe. So although there are some public policies and government intervention that I think we can all do without, there is also some governmental intervention that is needed, and can be extremely beneficial for everyone.

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