Friday, February 12, 2016

How Technology has impacted the world


            Technology has played a major role in the growth of the world, as we know it. During the time period of the 1800’s the spatial organization of the city changed as new forms of building introduced a larger scale to the physical environment. James Bogardus came up or introduced the use of cast- iron columns and weight bearing walls supporting the structure of nonresidential buildings. These buildings would then later become the skyscrapers that we learn to love today. William L. Jenny was the founder of the first skyscraper using the new evolving technology. Elisha Otis created the first elevator and by the year of 1880, it then created the widespread of taller buildings.
             If we fast-forward to today’s world those pioneers of the past have changed the world today, as we know it. Those very breakthroughs in technology back then play a role in today’s growth of taller nonresidential and new residential buildings. For example, the former Sears Tower, newly named Willis Tower is one of the world’s tallest buildings in America. This massive building stands tall at 110 stories high and weighs in at 200,000 plus tons of structure. The building took over 2000 workers to complete the project of creating the new building. It stands over 105 acres if spread across one level equivalent to 16 city blocks.
           The former twin towers before being destroyed was another skyscraper that stands as an example of how the technology that was created so long ago played a role in today’s creations of larger scale buildings. The Twin Towers stood at 1,368 and 1,362 feet and cost a mere 1.5 billion dollars to create.  These buildings are large landmarks of major cities and stand tall all because of the innovators of the past.
The people of the past put forth great efforts to change the overall perspective of how buildings are created. They not only change the structure of how we build these buildings but how far these buildings can go upward. Some challenges that they took on to push the limits and innovate makes all the difference for what the future can hold today. These pioneers changed the game for today’s creators.
         During the period in which these creations came about there was tons of urban expansions, economic interests and land development. Today’s larger landmarks don’t reflect those of the older time periods but they do come to look similar in the process in which they were created.
When we think of major cities today, skyscrapers and major landmarks are what we automatically correlate them to, These exist in there urban densely populated areas. These landmarks are highlights of most major cities.

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