Monday, April 25, 2016

Traditional Liberal or Conservative Solutions?

"Over the past two decades, debate has raged regarding whether traditional liberal or conservative solutions to the urban crisis are more appropriate," (Gottdiener et al. 2015). This debate has gone on for over many years, but is there ever a solution one may ask? In chapter 13 it discusses urban policy and the political debate. Should one go with the liberal side, which they support government intervention or should one go with the conservative side, which they support limited government intervention.
Gottdiener et al. (2015) mentions Edward Banfield, who argued that poor people aren’t motivated to get jobs. Now let’s discuss this for a second, I don’t believe that is true at all. In society today the classes have changed dramatically. It was easy to determine the classes, such as the poor, middle, upper-middle class and the rich or upper class. In society today we have the poor, middle class and upper class. The cost of living has skyrocketed tremendously and it’s hard to afford costly things. People are barely making it which even if you pay your bills on time and barely have enough money left you are barely reaching middle class. As far as the poor not having the motivation to find jobs is simply B.S. I believe now it is hard to find a good paying job because every white-collar job requires a higher degree and a butt load of experience. This is half the reason why poor people can’t find jobs and if they have a job they may have to have more than one to support their family.
Now back to the topic at hand, which one would be beneficial to society, conservative or liberal? In my opinion I believe that liberal would be the best choice because government intervention have ups to it. “Poverty and associated problems of uneven development are the inevitable consequence of the fact that economic rewards and social opportunities are not equally available to all citizens,” (Gottdiener et al. 2015). I completely agree with this statement because in reality certain people such as a black woman for example have to work harder than a black man and especially harder than the white man. I say this because my mom has to work extremely hard at her job and even though women are working and have high paying jobs we still have to work twice as hard because we are not a man. Liberals also believe that government programs keep individuals from falling. Which I believe that is also true because even though you may have people that use the government system just because it’s there, you have a lot of individuals that are barely paying the bills and barely putting food on the table. Also the people who can’t afford insurance for their children they get help with that also. All in all I believe that government help is necessary in some cases.
Welfare Programs Work
Is Government Intervention Good or Bad

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