Friday, March 4, 2016

Society's Segregation

The United States has had many problems with segregation. When black families migrated from the north to the south they moved into the inner city than to the suburbs. According to Massey and Denton in the book American Apartheid, "Suburbs that accept black residents tend to be older areas of relatively low socioeconomic status and high population density," (1993:69). When blacks were able to move to the suburbs they were put into these places. This somewhat reminds me of the movie raisin in the sun. The scene where the person for the white community came to speak to the Youngers to basically tell them not to move into the neighborhood and offer them money. This reminds why black people are seperated into their own neighborhoods, because of the "white communities" making it hard for other people to move into the suburbs.
In the lecture there was a video about Muhammad Ali. There was something he said about having children with his own people. One might explain this because the way he grew up everything was segregated. If he went and had relations with someone other then his own people then he would have received a lot of black lash. Everything now is different because there are a lot of interracial couples and there may be some back lash but not as much as it was before.
The article, "Segregation declines in chicago, but city still ranks high, census data show," explains that segregation has declined in Chicago but it is still racially segregated. It is the most segregated city according to William Frey a demograhpic. This article relates to the lecture that was presented on Thursday because the question that was asked was, "what do I think of when I think of racial segregation?" I also think of transportation when I think of racial segregation. Black people had to sit in the back of the bus and they had a whites section on the train. also it reminds me of Homer Plessy who was a biracial man but looked as if he was a white man. He sat in the white section on the train and ended up getting convicted of violating the law providing seperate cars. He was a man that inspired other civil rights activist after the incident. This chapter made you look at the details of where the lines are drawn for neighborhoods as far as segregation goes.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this blog you posted Lashay, you touched on a variety of different topics. I agree the Black Lash Muhammad Ali would have received if he had dated outside of his race would have been pretty big during his time. I think the fact that he had been part of the Nation of Islam at the time of the interview played a big part in his comments as well. The Raisin the in Sun analogy fit perfectly into the discussion from Thursday. It Mirrors the sentiments of the readings almost perfectly. I think you a really good job on this post with some very good examples that connect to the readings.
